HOT Printables,  HyVee

2 *HOT* new Old Orchard Juice coupons to print now!!! PLUS HyVee Scenario for just $0.58 each!!!

$1.00 off any two Old Orchard frozen concentrates$1.00 off any one Old Orchard 64oz juice product

There are two new HOT coupons to print today for Old Orchard juices!!!

Print these coupons for $1.00 off any two Old Orchard frozen concentrates and $1.00 off any one Old Orchard 64oz juice product!!!

I have seen Old Orchard juices go on sale for $0.99 each at several grocery stores so I recommend printing this coupon while you can and get ready for some cheap or even possibly FREE juice!!!

***HyVee Scenario***

Old Orchard Cocktail Juice 64 oz, $1.98
Use $1.00 off any one Old Orchard 64oz juice product
Final Cost: $0.98 plus earn $0.02/gallon fuel saver!!!

***The way I look at the fuel saver is this if I get 20 gallons of gas that is a $0.40 savings making my final cost for the juice just $0.58 each!!! (This is because I HAVE to buy gas either way…so the juice is a bonus!)

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