Mom Tip: Age Appropriate Chores for Kids
I am a firm believer in chores. Well we don’t call them chores in our house we call them responsibilities. We believe that everyone in the home should participate in keeping our house clean and comfortable. We believe that as a household member we should all feel responsible for caring for our home. Also by helping out and having their own responsibilities I have notice the kids are more respectful and appreciative of all that my husband and I do to keep our house clean and functional. There are so many different types of chores your kids can do starting at a very early age. The earlier you start teaching “responsibilities” and having your children participate in the home the easier it will be to establishes a routine. Oh I should also mention. I do not believe in paying for “chores” or “responsibilities”. Like I mentioned before my goal is to get the entire family feeling involved and respectful of the home. I do however reward my kids with lots of praise and the occasional surprise treat or family activity for performing their chores throughout the week with a cheerful heart.
I love this Melissa & Doug Deluxe Magnetic Responsibility Chart! It is perfect for getting your younger children started and excited!
Here is a list of age appropriate chores perfect for getting your routine started!
Ages 2-3
- Feed the animal (with your help)
- Pick Up Toys
- Bring plate and cup to the sink after a meal
- Put dirty clothes into the hamper
- Throw garbage away
- Wipe down place mats or table
Ages 4-6
- Unloaded silverware and plastic-ware from dishwasher
- Straighten bedding (make bed)
- Wipe down cabinets and floor boards
- Help put clothes away
- Dust
- Fold towels and match socks
- Water flowers
- Help get the mail
- Help unload groceries from car
- Pick up yard (dropped fruits from trees, sticks, rocks and miscellaneous from the yard)
Ages 7-9
- Officially make the bed
- Put clothes, towels and blankets away
- Empty small garbage’s around the house
- Scoop litter box or scoop dog poop outside
- Sweep
- Set table
- Wipe down baseboards
- Fold Clothes and socks
- Clean bathroom sinks, counters, mirrors
- Vacuum stairs and dust buster areas
- Rake leaves and help with yard care
- Wash the car
- Collect dirty laundry throughout home
- Iron clothes
- Wash the windows
Ages 10-11
- Clean toilets
- Care for animals (feed, walk, clean animals and their cages/litter box)
- Take garbage out
- Shovel snow
- Pack school lunches
- Change sheets on bed
- Empty dishwasher
- Put groceries away
- Mop floors
- Gardening and Yard work
- Clean showers/tub and grout
- Help in meal preparation and cooking
Ages 12+
- Mow Lawn
- Odd jobs around the house
- Take dumpster to the curb
- Wash/Dry clothes
- Help with younger children
- Help clean out closets, shelves and storage
- Dust fans
- Clean out refrigerator
- Cook meals
***Remember that as your child get’s older they can maintain the previous age groups chores and add in some new ones that are appropriate to their age. Also all kids develop in motor skills and maturity at different ages. This is simply a guide as to the general list of chores that could be appropriate for your kids.
Print the above handouts:
Stephanie Phelps
These are wonderful tips!
The Budget Bandit
Thank you! Hope they help!
nicole dziedzic
Awesome post to highlight age appropriate chores for kids. My kids do pretty well with some of these listed above and the actually like to help too.