Amazon: Best price EVER on Huggies Diapers…go FAST just $0.09 each!!!
Amazon has an AMAZING deal right now when you sign up for Amazon Mom you will get a FREE $10’s towards your first purchase of Diapers…plus if you will got TONS of exclusive coupons!
Even better Huggies Snug and Dry Diapers Economy for only $35.29 shipped when you use the no obligation subscribe & save and your Free trial of Amazon Mom!!! Now for the icing on the cake…there is also a $2/1 Huggies Coupon available on the middle of the page…making each diaper just $0.09 each!!! STOCK UP
***Deal Scenario***
Purchase Huggies Snug and Dry Diapers Economy, $35.29
Use the $2 off Huggies Clipless coupon
Sign up for Amazon Mom and get an instant $10 off your diaper purchase
Final Cost: $23.29 shipped or just $0.09 a diaper!!!
PS: you won’t see the $10 instant savings until right before your final confirmation page at payment!
I did this deal last time it was glad I did!!! SUPER HAPPY MOMMY!!!