Amazon Deals,  Baby Deals and Steals,  Christmas Deals and Steals

Amazon Daily Lightening Deals November 9th: Nanoblocks, K’Nex Angry Birds, WOW Mario’s Pizzeria, and more!

amazon lightening

Amazon Holiday Lightening Deal have begun! Everyday between now and Christmas, Amazon will have some super HOT deals for toys, household products and more. These deals last for a couple of hours HOWEVER the better the deal the faster it sells out (even within minutes)!!!  So get ready, set…and bookmark (and note the time they are set to start) so that you can ensure you get the deal!

***Want to know my little secret? I set my alarm on my phone about 5 minutes before the deal is set to start so that I can get to a computer and get ready to purchase the deal…some of the better deals sell out soooo darn fast! Last year I purchased nearly ALL our Christmas presents online (And scored much  better deals than if I would have Black Friday shopped)

6:00 am PST/8:00 am CST/9:00 am EST:  Bernstein’s Orchestral treatment of 35 Children’s Classics

7:00 am PST/9:00 am/CST/10:00 am EST: Nanoblock Big Ben
(regular price $20.22)

9:00 am PST/11:00 am CST/12:00 pm EST: K’NEX Angry Birds Grillin’ and Chillin’ Building Set
(regular price $23.99)

10:00 pm PST/12:00 pm CST?1:00 pm EST: Dan Zanes & Elizabeth Mitchell Deal

12:00 pm PST/2:00 pm CST/3:00 pm EST: WOW Mario’s Pizzeria – Town (8 Piece Set)
(regular price $22.99)

3:00 pm PST/5:00 pm CST/6:00 pm EST: Perler Beads I-Pegboard Tablet Accessory Starter Kit
(regular price $12.46)


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