Amazon Deals,  Baby Deals and Steals

Amazon has Huggies or Pampers diapers for just $0.04 each….GO GO GO!!!

amazon baby

If you are in the market for a GREAT deal for diapers then you better run for this one!!! Did you know that the average cost of a diaper purchased at the store is about $0.27 a diaper? That is just INSANE to me…now check out how you can score diapers for as low as just $0.04 each….now that’s a HOT deal!!!

huggies econ

How would you like to get Huggies diapers for just $0.04 each?!?! Here is how….

  1. Join Amazon Mom—you can get a FREE 3 month trial and cancel at any time with no obligations! (I have done this and it’s super easy and totally worth it!)
  2. Choose a package of diapers in the size and brand you want…I recommend these Huggies Snug and Dry Diapers, Economy Plus Pack, 246 Count priced at $47.19
  3. Make sure to clip the $2 off eCoupon
  4. Select the no obligation Subscribe and Save (again this is easy and you can cancel as soon as your order ships!)
  5. At check out use coupon Code “BABYTIME” to get your Extra $25 on your first pack of diapers when you joined Amazon Mom
  6. Final Cost: $10.75 for 246 or just $0.04 a diaper!!!

***If you are not a Huggies user you can also get Pampers Swaddler Diapers for the same deal if you go HERE

Want to know a secret??? I did this deal a few months ago when it was offered and it was the best purchase I have ever made on Amazon!!!

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