Baby Deals and Steals,  Everything Baby,  HOT Printables

Baby Coupons!!! Pampers, Huggies, Similac, Gerber….the works!



$2.00 off ONE Pampers Easy Ups Trainers
$1.50 off ONE Pampers Swaddlers Diapers
$1.50 off ONE Pampers Cruisers Diapers
$0.50 off ONE Pampers Wipes 60 ct. or larger
$1.50 off ONE Pampers Baby Dry Diapers
$1.50 off when you buy any ONE (1) package of HUGGIES® Little Movers Slip-On™ Diapers

Formula and Baby Food…

Save 50¢ on any one (1) Baby Mum-Mum® or Toddler Mum-Mum™ product in the USA only
$3.25 off when you buy any TWO (2) Gerber® Good Start Powder formulas 22 oz or larger
85¢ off when you buy any TWO (2) 32oz. bottles or 4oz. 4-pks of Gerber® Juice
$2.25 off when you buy any ONE (1) Similac® Simply Smart Bottles
$2.85 off when you buy any ONE (1) Similac® Prenatal

Ointments and Baby Wash…

$1.50 off Triple Paste medicated ointment
Save 75¢ off any (1) DESITIN® product (Excludes trial sizes)
Save $1.00 on any (1) JOHNSON’S® Baby Oil product (excluding sizes 1 oz. to 4 oz.)

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