Everything Baby
Is your Rapunzle TANGLED?!?! How to detangle/restore a dolls hair!
Is your Rapunzle TANGLED! Don’t mind the pun…as I am being very serious! My daughter absolutely loves her Rapunzle doll but within ours of opening the box her doll was a hairy mess! The more we brushed it the bigger the mess it became! Now I am sure I am not the only this happened to…so with that I decided to try out a little theory on how to detangle a dolls hair…and it worked!!! See how it only took me a matter of 20 minutes to go from disastrous to beautiful! Materials you will need… Fabric Softener ( I used a Downy trial packet I had on hand) Wire…
FREE binoculars, compass and a flashlight!!! PLUS an Awesome resource for kids of all ages!
Here is a AWESOME resource for children of all ages….home schoolers….preschooolers…or just any animal loving kiddo!!! Especially now that it’s summer…what better than a fun educational tool that will keep the kids happy for days!!! Grab this WILDLIFE EXPLORER package only $3.99 ($82.95 value)!!! The best part is your kids will get a FREE pair of Binoculars, a Compass and a Flashlight!!!! SO COOL
What’s included: • 36 AMAZING Wildlife Explorer® Cards • Fun, adventure and learning for you and your child • FREE Binoculars, Compass and Flashlight • Stunning, up-close pictures & rare facts of dozens of animals • Wildly great value • Not available in stores
Having a baby or know someone who is…here is the PERFECT gift…Grab a FREE Carseat Canopy!!! I have it and LOVE it!!!
Ok seriously have to recommend this AWESOME freebie! I have the Car Seat canopy pictured and LOVE it!!! It is perfect for the cold weather…keeping baby warm and cozy!!! Right now when you check out using promo code ENBABY you will get $50 off a Car Seat Canopy!!! ***Perfect for keeping the sun off your precious little one’s face…I have the one pictured and I LOVE it…I had my little guy last June and I still use it!!! This carseat canopy is definitely the most used baby item over the past year…I don’t know what I would have done without it!!! ***If you know someone who is having a baby or has had…
Target *HOT* scenario for Gerber Baby Good…just $0.64 each!
***Target Scenario*** Buy (12) Gerber 1st Foods, $0.99 Buy (8) Gerber 2nd Foods, $1.09 Use $5 off a Nestle Purchase of $20 or more Target Coupon Use (2) 85¢ off when you buy any SIX (6) Gerber® 1st Foods® Baby Food Use$1.20 off when you buy any EIGHT (8) Gerber® 2nd Foods® Baby Food Final Cost: $0.64 each.
TONS of awesome baby product coupons! Gerber, Enfagrow, Johnson’s, Pampers, Huggies and more!!!
Don’t need baby item coupons? Be a COUPON FAIRY!!! Pass the blessing along and print a few of these coupons to leave in the aisle at the store the next time you go! You may just be the best blessing that happens to someone that day!!! FORMULA $1.85 off when you buy any ONE (1) Gerber® Graduates® Formula $2.25 off when you buy any ONE (1) 22 oz or larger size Gerber® Good Start® SOOTHE $3.25 off when you buy any TWO (2) Gerber® Good Start Powder formulas 22 oz or larger $5.25 off when you buy any TWO (2) Enfagrow® PREMIUM™ Older Toddler Milk Drink Powder (1-3 years old)…
Be a blessing to your local school…and help yourself while your at it…Join Box Tops for Education!!! Get high value coupons and FREE products every month!!!
Have you joined Box Tops for Education yet? If not you should GO NOW and join!!! First and most importantly you will be supporting your local school whenever you submit Box Top Points (which believe me makes a HUGE difference…many school can’t afford even the necessities anymore for their students…let alone “special” classes like PE and art…or the supplies for those classes!!!) But secondly it will benefit YOU…as you will have access to exclusive and high value General Mills coupons to print….as well as a FREE full size product that you can request to be mailed to you EVERY MONTH!!! ***I have gotten Cheerios Medleys Cereal, Fiber Plus Bar,…
Check out the AWESOME Spring Sales over at Zulily…dresses…shoes and toys up to 90% off!!!
Zulily is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE….Daily Deals for Moms, Babies & Kids site! It’s like a ticket to an amazing sample sale. Only members can take advantage of Zulily’s low prices. It’s FREE to sign up and once you’re a member, you’ll be the first to know what we’ve got to offer every day. Zulily events last 72 hours . . . then they’re gone! New brands move in and get their three days on the site. Right now there are several AWESOME deals for up to 90% off retail price for cute Spring/Summer sandals and shoes…and even some super cute fun toys and crafts perfect for this new Spring weather!!!…
Snag 4 Disney Kids books for just $0.99 each + FREE shipping!!! (Wreck it Ralph, Cinderella, Brave, Cars…)
Pick your kid’s favorite Disney Books and get 4 Books for just $0.99 each SHIPPED! Plus get a FREE Disney Activity book!!! This deal is so GREAT you don’t want to pass it up!!! Perfect for snagging a few gifts for the next kids party you attend or birthday may have coming up!!! ***This is a monthly book club…however there are NO purchase commitments after this first purchase…you can cancel at ANYTIME with no obligations. Plus they promise 100% satisfaction guarantee…and have an A+ BBB Rating. To manage your account, call 1-800-353-3140 or login to your account online: https://www.earlymoments.com/Login/
Baby Coupons!!! Pampers, Huggies, Similac, Gerber….the works!
Diapers…. $2.00 off ONE Pampers Easy Ups Trainers $1.50 off ONE Pampers Swaddlers Diapers $1.50 off ONE Pampers Cruisers Diapers $0.50 off ONE Pampers Wipes 60 ct. or larger $1.50 off ONE Pampers Baby Dry Diapers $1.50 off when you buy any ONE (1) package of HUGGIES® Little Movers Slip-On™ Diapers Formula and Baby Food… Save 50¢ on any one (1) Baby Mum-Mum® or Toddler Mum-Mum™ product in the USA only $3.25 off when you buy any TWO (2) Gerber® Good Start Powder formulas 22 oz or larger 85¢ off when you buy any TWO (2) 32oz. bottles or 4oz. 4-pks of Gerber® Juice $2.25 off when you buy any…
Enter to win a FREE Beatrix New York Wheelie Bag from Whole Foods Mom!!!
Enter to win a FREE Beatrix New York Wheelie Bag from Whole Mom! Just head over to Whole Mom on Facebook and once you “like” their page you will be entered in the giveaway!!!