Online Deals

Cents of Style Fashion Friday Doorbuster: Beautiful Pillow Covers for just $12.95 shipped (reg $32.95)

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Happy Fashion Friday! Today Cents of Styles AWESOME sale is home-focused! They have some amazing pillow covers for only $12.95 plus get FREE SHIPPING with the coupon code AUGUSTHOME. These pillow covers are regularly $32.95…so that is more than 60% off!!!! GO FAST before they sell out.

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There are several different styles form cotton with different colors and geometric prints, to their NEW burlap style with typewriter font monograms on the front. The burlap is 100% recycled materials and great for indoor and outdoor use.
The deal is valid through Sunday, 8/17/14


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I absolutely LOVE Cents of Style! They are an amazing company with , fabulous deals, and fantastic quality clothing, accessories and home decor. Every Friday Cents of Style offers a doorbuster type deal available for a limited time with limited quantities. Because these deals are so HOT they often times sell out VERY FAST. Plus the topping on the cake – Fashion Friday Doorbusters ALWAYS come with FREE SHIPPING no minimum purchase required!

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