
Check out my score for baby stuff today!!!














Today I strolled into Babies R Us for the first time in what feels like a decade (in reality probably only been 4 years) and found some SWEET deals…First I found Baby Blue diapers (Babies R Us brand) on clearance for $9.98!!! When I combined that with the current gift card promotion I scored big time!!! I bought 4 boxes of diapers and 2 boxes of wipes paid $60 and Received (2) $20 Gift Cards!!! After I purchased those on my stroll out of the store I found a Chicco Stroller Travel System on clearance for $100.90 (reg $339.99)!!!!! I am so excited I figured I spent $120 and saved around $320!!! I am one happy girl! Plus I came home to a package on my front door from Car Seat Canopies…this was a deal I scored about a month ago with a promo code for $50 off!!!

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