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Check out these AWESOME new labels from Mabels Labels…perfect for you organizational freaks like me!!!!

I have been cleaning like crazy in my house this month…for my April Spring Challenge…and something I LOVE to do when cleaning…is organize all the “stuff” I find! In fact I have a serious relationship with bins and totes…I LOVE them! They are perfect for putting my kids clothes in when they grow out…toys (I rotate toys in our house every 6 months…makes the kids feel like the got “new” toys) and of course I put my stockpile in bins (I feel like it’s more organized and keeps the mice away!)


Mabel’s Labels has created a great new label that combines technology with organization! Can’t remember where you put your summer clothes or those holiday decorations? With the new Scan & Store labels from Mabel’s Labels, you will never misplace your items again! Here’s how they work:

1. Apply the label to a bin, tote or other container.
2. Scan it with the Write Away! app.
3. Store the title, location, description and a photograph of the container.

From your phone you can store the names and photographs of an unlimited number of items and assign them to a container, search for containers and items and much more! Organizing has never been so easy. Be sure to try out these new amazing labels today.

Happy Organizing!

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