Coupon Lingo

Cat- Catalina, a coupon that prints out at the register of many stores for specific items or a dollar amount off a future purchase.

RP- Redplum, an insert that comes in the weekly circular.

SS- Smartsource, an insert that comes in the weekly circular.

PG- Procter and Gamble, an insert that comes in the weekly circular on the first Sunday of every month. P & G coupons can also be found elsewhere. For example, you can sign up on line for coupons to be mailed to you, or you may find P & G coupons inside of P & G products after you purchase and open them!

GM- General Mills

MM- MoneyMaker

OOP- Out of Pocket

Double- Twice the value coupons at Albertsons

MC- Manufacture Coupon

MIR- Mail in Rebate

OYNO- On Your Next Order

BOGO- Buy One Get One

WYB-  When You Buy

YMMV- Your Millage May Vary

RC- Raincheck (a Raincheck is a ticket/slip that is the store may provide for you that will guarantee the current sale price of the item when it is out of stock. To get a Raincheck, simply go to the cashier at the front of the store and ask!)

IP- Internet Printable

RR- Registered Reward, only at Walgreens

NLA- No Longer Available



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