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Homemade Bug Spray Repellent – 100% Natural

homemade bug spray

Living in Kansas we have major bug problems! Seriously, I have never been anywhere else that requires you to apply bug spray EVERY TIME you go outside in the summer and spring. We are a very active family and really enjoy spending out time outside as a family, playing basketball, riding bikes, swimming and just enjoying the outdoors.

As a mom I am always thinking about whats best for my family and honestly I just can’t stand the idea of putting harmful chemicals all over my kids bodies. So I was really excited to try out this all natural homemade DIY Bug Spray and Repellent. Let me tell you – it works AMAZING! In fact I think it works better than the chemical stuff (Deet or OFF!). The only thing is you have to apply it more often (every 1-3 hours). But the best part is you don’t have to stink!


  • 4 oz Witch Hazel
  • 4 oz Water
  • 40 drops of Tea Tree essential oil
  • 10 drops each of 2-3 different essential oils from the following list (Mint, Lavender, Tea Tree, Geranium, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Clove, Basil, Thyme, Eucalyptus)

bug spray

This recipe is super easy….all you need to do is mix all ingredients together in a 8 oz spray bottle and use. You do not need to use all of the essential oils, I recommend using a combination of 2-4 different oils from the list above. I highly recommend ALWAYS using Tea Tree, Cloves, Geranium and then adding in the fourth essential oil that you enjoy the “smell” of.

The Tea Tree, Cloves and Geranium of the highest bug repelling attributes. The other oils are great for improving the smell WITHOUT attracting insects. Apply and then reapply every 1-3 hours to get best results at keeping those pesty bugs away.

homemade bug spray repellent

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