
Homemade Chicken Stock Recipe

homemade chicken stock2

When I started my blog up I had a vision…a vision to not only share tips for coupons, but also sharing frugal living tips! Chicken broth is something I have found to be way too expensive! Especially when it is SO easy to make. Here is my recipe for Homemade Chicken Stock. This recipe will make about 8 cups of stock for you to store in your refrigerator to use within the next 7 days or freeze it for later use!

Homemade Chicken Stock 


  • 1 onion, rough cut (quartered is fine)
  • 3 stocks of celery (cut into 3rds)
  • 3 carrots, rough cut (cut into 3rds)
  • 6-8 cups of water
  • 1 chicken carcass
  • 3-4 cloves garlic
  • Salt and Pepper


  1. Take the carcass of a chicken, bones, skin and all..and place in a large stock pot. Fill pot with water until the carcass is completely submerged.
  2. Add carrots, celery, onions, and garlic. Bring to a boil. Then turn down to low and let simmer for at least 5-6 hours (you can let this actually simmer for up to 10 hours!!!).
  3. Make sure to stir every so often (about once an hour) and if you see a foamy build up of fat…go ahead and remove it with a spoon.
  4. Using a fine slotted strainer or a cheese clothe, pour contents of the pot into a bowl…straining out all the large veggies, bones and even extra meat that falls off the bones.
  5. Ladle broth into jars or freezer containers and refrigerate (good for up to 6 days) (or freeze and keep for up to 6 months).

Your final results will be chicken broth for less than $0.10 a jar and much much much yummier and healthier!!!  Enjoy!!!


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