HOT Printables,  Walmart

HOT High Value $7 AmLactin Coupon to print + $2.10 money maker at Walmart!!!

Wow now this is a HIGH value coupon that is a total must print now….$7/1 AmLactin Cream Printable. Print it and pick up some AmLactic Ultra and score a $2.10 Money Maker!!!
***The best part is that this was already on my shopping list for this week for my daughter!!!! 


***Scenario Walmart***

AmLactin Ultra Hydrating Cream, $4.90
Use  $7/1 AmLactin Cream Printable (Use zip code 66214 if needed)
Final Cost:  FREE + $2.10 MoneyMaker

Or do this deal…

AmLactin Ultra Hydrating Cream, $4.90
Use  $5/1 AmLactin Cream Printable
Final Cost:  FREE + $0.10 MoneyMaker

Thanks ChescoFrugalLiving for deal and photo!

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