HOT Printables,  Walmart

HOT new $1/1 any FireFly Toothbrush + plus Walmart Scenario for just $0.44 each!These are my kids FAVORITE toothbrushes

fryfly toothbrush

Make sure to grab this awesome coupon for $1.00 off ANY FireFly Toothbrush if you have kiddos…these toothbrushes are BY FAR MY FAVORITE!!! They light up and flash at the end of the toothbrush for one minutes so the kids know they need to brush until it stops flashing!!! Plus these are the toothbrushes my dentists recommends…and they must work…because my kids have NO cavities!!!

***Walmart Scenario***

Firefly Suction Toothbrushes 2 pk, $1.88
Use $1.00 off ANY FireFly Toothbrush
Final Cost: $0.88 or just $0.44 each!!!

Thanks, iheartthemart!

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