HOT Printables

HOT Toys R Us sale today…score the Toy Story 3 Memory Game for only $1.00 each and tons of other games for AWESOME deals!!!

Toys R Us is having their AWESOME sale for the Toy Story 3 Memory for just $1.00!  There is a Limit of 2 and no rain checks.   This deal is a while supplies last deal so get there early (the store opens at 9 am!)

There is also a Gift Card deal going on if you spend $35 in Hasbro Games you will score a $10 gift card or if you spend $50 in Hasbro games you can get a $15 gift card…and to make it even better get up to $40 in rebates (in the form of a prepaid rewards card) from Hasbro when you buy anywhere from 2-12 select games! ***Games included in the rebate: The Game of Life, Monopoly, Scattergories, Pictionary, Scrabble, Yahtzee, Hungry Hungry Hippos, Jenga, Twister, Connect 4, Elefun, and Operation!

Don’t forget to use your spend $75 and get a $10 Gift Card Coupon and the $2/1 Jinga or Yahtzee coupon

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