
Score some FREE Designer eye glasses!!! (no prescription needed)

coastal glasses

HURRY!!! Go fast and score a FREE pair of Designer/name brand eye glasses from Coastal Contacts  (just pay shipping). These glasses are normally $50-$200 retail….so this is truly one of the best freebies EVER!!! This deal only comes once a year…so go fast and score a free pair of glasses for you, your hubby, kids or maybe even a friend!!!



***If you have a hard time submitting for your glasses without a prescription just put any old prescription in there and then when your glasses come you can get lenses from your dr or take them out of another pair of glasses…but at least your frames will be free! If you do know what prescription you need…then double bonus!

Use code: FIRSTPAIRFREE (includes standard lenses) to get the deal….you don’t have to have a current prescription…in fact when it asks for your DR information…you can just leave it blank!!!

This sounds too good to be true…but it’s legit!!! I have several friends who have ordered these in the past (when this deal came around last year) and they LOVED their glasses! 

——-> Try them on at home and if it the frames don’t fit, return shipping is free!

***Don’t wear glasses? It’s ok…get FREE designer glasses without a prescription! I have always wanted glasses just for the look 🙂

 While your here….might as well grab a FREE 30 day trial of FREE contacts as well 🙂 Just click the image below to print your coupon now 🙂

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