HURRY! TOMS are 40% off on Zulily (prices starting at $18.99)
Zulily is running a SUPER HOT sale on Toms shoes! Right now you can head on over HERE and score Toms for men, woman and children and even some accessories for up to 40% off!!! OH MY! They ran this sale last year and the shoes sold out FAST so I recommend running to get this sale…Prices start at just $18.99!!
I have a few pairs of TOMS and I absolutely love them. Plus all four of my kids have TOMS as well. I guess you can say we are a TOMS family! I really love TOMS and since my kids have all recently gone up in shoe size I am super excited to do some bargain shopping on Zulily today!!!!
This sale for TOMS is the ONLY sale I have EVER seen for them…in fact I even had to pay FULL PRICE for mine (and that’s a no-no in my book…LOL)
—————–> If you are NEW to Zulily and have NEVER signed up before go HEREand sign up for free on Zulily to be able to get this deal. (If you are already a Zulily member go HERE and it will take you directly to the deal!)