Educational Topics

Let’s take a pledge to donate and be a blessing to others!

I have been cleaning out my stockpile and pulling together another donation pile. It got me thinking… why don’t we all pledge to buy an extra (5) items a week to donate?!?! This would be above and beyond the normal cleaning out your excess and donating that you may already do.

I am thinking that if we all buy an extra (5) items specifically to donate… I currently have 918 Facebook Fans…if everyone pledges to buy (5) extra items to donate that would be 4590 items donated each week…at the end of a month that would be 20,655 items donated!!! That makes me super excited!!! There are so many people struggling in this economy, I think it would be awesome if we could Bless others with our ability to coupon items for FREE.

Lets be a blessing and in return be blessed!!! 

Proverbs 11:25 says:
Whoever brings blessing will be enriched,and one who waters will himself be watered.

Proverbs 19:17 also says:
Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.

There are several items you can pick up for free this week to donate:

One Comment

  • Courtnee

    You are awesome! We donate regularly. We recently donated 100 boxes of Hamburger Helper and 50 tubes of toothpaste. Besides our local Food Banks, I’m sure the Men and Women’s Shelters could use the personal care items. Yay for helping our community!!!!!!!!!!!!

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