Retail Shopping

My Kids School Supply List and how I am going to send both my kids back to school for less than $15!!!

Kindergarten Supply List:
(My kids are in the Edmonds School District)

A regular-size backpack (large enough to hold 9X12 papers)
(I bought mine already at Walgreens when they were BOGO!)

 (1) box of standard Crayola Twistable crayons
*Toys R Us BOGO Crayola sale 

(1) box of standard Crayola 48 count crayons
Toys R Us BOGO Crayola sale 

(1) box of regular – size Kleenex
Rite Aid $0.87 

(12-24) WHITE glue sticks
Target $0.20 2 ct or Office Depot Buy 2 Get 1 Free (Mix and Match) Avery Glue Sticks  4 pk

 (2) containers of baby wipes
Walgreens $1.50 for a 3 pk refill! 

(1) two inch 3 ring binder (WHITE with a clear plastic cover)
Office Depot Buy 2 Get 1 Free (mix and match) 

 (1) pair of FISKARS scissors (sharp point)
Walgreen $0.29 each or Target 2 ct. $0.90 

 (1) Bottle of hand sanitizer (8 0z.)
Walgreens $1.99

 (1) pink pearl eraser
Office Max $0.50  

 (1) Box of Zip-lock bags. Quart size and Snack Size baggies
Rite Aid $1.29 each

 Second Grade Supply List:

2 dozen yellow pencils (already sharpened)
Walgreens $0.19 each 

6 non-colored glue sticks
Target $0.20 2pk each 

2 pink pearl erasers
Walgreens $0.39 each 

1 box of tissues
Rite Aid $0.87 each 

3 containers of wet wipes
Walgreens $1.50 for a 3 pk refill 

1 roll of scotch tape
Free at Target (Use Target Coupon $0.50/1 Magic Tape

1 pkg. white board pens (girls)
Free at Walgreens 

sticky notes
Target up to Free-$0.87 

1 box gallon/sandwich baggies
Rite Aid $1.29 

1 bottle of non-alcohol hand sanitizer
Walgreens $1.99 

2 wide ruled spiral notebooks
Walgreens $0.29 each, Target $1.00 for both (BOGO sale), Staples $0.50 each (limit 3) 

1 three-ring 1 ” notebook with sleeve cover
Office Depot Buy 2 Get 1 Free (mix and match) 

1 box of crayons (no more than 24 colors)
Free Walgreens ($1 and Receive a $1 RR) Target Free (with purchase of Roseart Colored pencils or markers)

Walgreens $0.20, Staples 2 pk $1.00 

2 folders with pockets on the bottom
Walgreens $0.09 each, Office Max $0.25 each 

1 composition notebook (black and white cover)
Office Max $0.50 each 

1 box of colored pencils
Target RoseArt Colored Pencils $0.50 each plus a free 24 ct crayons 

 PS. Don’t forget to take your store ads with you to which ever store you decide to shop at…Target, Walmart, Staples, Office Max and Office Depot will all  price match! So you can get all your shopping done in one place!


One Comment


    found a great deal this week – Best Buy (of all places) has the two pocket folders for only 1 cent. no limit / no minimum purchase. Went on Monday and got some for my kids back to school.

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