HOT Printables

New $1/2 Bush’s Grillin’ Beans coupon….happy printing!

$1.00 off two (2) BUSH'S Grillin' Beans

New coupon alert!!! Grab this AWESOME $1.00 off two (2) BUSH’S Grillin’ Beans coupon and happy grill’in beans 🙂 (I crack myself up sometimes)!!!

***But in all honesty I LOVE these beans…and whenever there is a coupon available for them….I print 2 from every computer and printing device in my house (which means I get about 8 coupons!) 

We like to make white jasmine rice and top it with Bush’s Grillin Beans and slices of either polish sausage, hot dogs or kielbasa (mixed in with the beans)…it may sound strange…but it’s delicious!!!

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