HyVee HOT Freezer deal…snag a 5 cu ft freezer for $189.99 and get $190+ in FREE products!!!
So I just had to share this awesome deal I just got at Hy-Vee for a Freezer!!! Yes even in all this crazy snow I made it out of my house for the Grand Opening of the new 95th Street Hy-Vee…and I am so glad I did! Right now through March 2nd you can snatch up a 5 cubit foot freezer for just $189.99 and you will get $190 in FREE products coupons…basically it’s like you are getting the freezer for free (after the coupons)! I recommend checking out the list of coupons below and seeing if these are products you want and need…if so this deal is AWESOME!…
My little secrets on how to save money on groceries….other than simply couponing!
I went shopping with a friend the other day and about midway through our trip I realized that there are so many ways I go about saving money on groceries/meals other than simply couponing! After a little thought…I decided I would love to share with you all a few of my “little secrets”
Grow your own produce! I try my hardest to grow at least 60% of the produce we will use for the summer…as well as the ingredients for the items I like to can. Seeds only cost about $1-3 a packet and each packet lasts about 2 years! That is total money saving madness right there!!!…