• Weekly Meal Plan

    Monday’s Meal Plan: Angel’s Primavera Pasta Salad

    Monday: Angel’s Primavera Pasta Salad Ingredients: 1 Chicken Breast Sweet Colored Peppers Red Onion or Sweet Walla Walla Onion Olives Roma Tomatoes Fresh Sweet Basil Lemon Italian Salad Dressing Parmesan Cheese Noodle of choice (I recommend bow tie, spiral or mini penne) Directions: Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Cook your pasta until soft. Split chicken breast in half and season with salt and pepper (and/or poultry seasoning) and rub with 1/4 cup Lemon juice. Saute or grill for approximately 5 min or until cooked throughout. Cut colored peppers and tomatoes in 1/4 inch pieces. Dice onions finely. Now roughly chop basil and add to boil with veggies.…

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