TurboTax versus TaxAct…which one is better???
So after a little online discussion with a reader I decided I should share with your a little trick I have always done when filing my taxes….there are several FREE e-file companies out there…and of course you want to use the one that is gonna get you the most back or make you pay as little as possible!!!
Here is what I have ALWAYS done (and yes it takes a little more time but it is time well spent)!!!
Each year I fill out my tax information for both TurboTax and for TaxAct …I make sure to input all the information I can find that I qualify for…then I see which company is going to give me the most money back!!! I have pretty always gotten about the same refund back with just minor couple of dollar discrepancies between TurboTax and TaxAct.
To be totally honest I like both programs…they both offer audit protection…TOTALLY FREE services and after many years of switching back and forth between the two companies I don’t see much a difference between them! However I will tell you that I have used TaxAct for 4 years now and have always felt like I got the very best return I could get and it is SUPER EASY TO USE!!!
So my recommendation…sign up for BOTH…and then see which one will serve you better!!! I do like both TaxAct and TurboTax! It will only take a little extra time and in my experience you could possibly find several hundred dollars difference between your tax returns!!!
***Oh and please come back and let me know which one you liked better…now I am really curious Good luck
Amanda Watson
I’ve ALWAYS used H&R Block. However, this year, it wasn’t giving me the full amount of the Additional Child Tax Credit or the EIC . I went to the website for Turbo Tax and it increased my tax return by $497!!!!!
When my daughter asked me to figure out how much she was getting back, I used both sites as well, but it made no difference at all. (She doesn’t have any children and files single with no other deductions.)
I have a screenshot from both sites in one picture I will email you. (All personal info is removed..I just did a screenshot of the totals from both sites and pasted them in the paint app.)
Amanda Watson
However, I had to pay $44.98 for my state returns. $14.99 to file them, then an additional $29.99 to have Turbo Tax take the $14.99 from my federal return. I exhausted my unemployment benefits last month, so didn’t have the $14.99 or it would have cost me less. H&R Block has did not charge me to file my state return last year, but I still can’t complain because even after paying those additional fees to Turbo Tax, I will still receive $452.02 more.
The Budget Bandit
That would be great! Email it to me at thebudgetbandit@gmail.com please!!!! I always fill out my info for both…and every year it changes as too which one will give me more money back!
Amanda Watson
Sure will. Since I removed my personal information, please feel free to share it if you’d like.
I used Turbo Tax then switched to Tax Act, easier to use when you have a rental property and it requires some extra forms that the free version of Turbo Tax did not include.
The Budget Bandit
I liked TaxAct this year for my small business. It had everything I needed to file my small business without any additional fees!
christie lopanec
I personally use the h&r block online
Brittanie P
I have used Turbox Tax every year but this year I am going with TaxAct. They offer me more back. H&R Block is TERRIBLE. Visit the Consumer Reports website and you will see over 500+ comments talking about how they are super expensive and have a bunch of people working for them that have no idea what they are doing.
Julie Wood
I have never used either one of these for filing my taxes, but I think I am going to try one of these this year because it sounds like I can get more money back! My only concern about filing online is identity theft!