Freebies,  Walmart

Walmart freebies and money makers!!!

***Walmart Money Makers***


  • Natasha M

    Our Walmart in Springfield Mo. Is not letting us use the Rachel Ray coupon. They are saying we have to buy the bag. Is this true and if not how do I go about using the coupon? Please help

  • The Budget Bandit

    As far as the wordage on the coupon I believe it works on the container food…They just look at the pictures many times and think that’s the only thing the coupon can be used on! Try a different Walmart or a different cashier maybe

  • Natasha M

    Thank you for getting back with me. I have used this coupon before and It scanned well. I will try a different Wal-Mart and see what I can do. I know around here they are good for taking overage items off the shelf or not allowing the coupon for whatever reason they can find.

    Thank you for all that you do. It helps my family a lot!

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