Welcoming Kyron Skye and my journey through the past 14+ months!
This week has been an emotional roller coaster. Actually this past 15 months has been pretty rough! It all started in April of 2011…I filmed for TLC’s Extreme Couponing Season 1. It was a super crazy time…it was a lot of fun but way more stressful than anticipated. Than right after filming I found out I was pregnant with our 4th baby! I was ecstatic…we had waited 4 years to decide whether to have another baby.
My pregnancy was going pretty well…I had decided I was gonna make this the best pregnancy ever! I wouldn’t complain at all about morning sickness or discomfort; I was just gonna enjoy every moment of it. Then it was time for my first doctor appointment…my doctor didn’t feel the need to see me until after 12 weeks so I was super excited to go in and hear my little one’s heart beat!!! We went in for our appointment full of anticipation…we left in tears. They did a routine ultrasound for the first appointment and there was no heart beat…our little one was not alive. I was devastated! My life felt over in those first hours…I just couldn’t see past the heart break of losing that precious little soul that I had become so attached to.
When I left the doctors office they said my body should began to miscarry very soon…however that was not the case. After 3 days of waiting for the worse possible day of my life to began…I decided I couldn’t continue barely breathing and living waiting for the miscarriage to began. So I called my doctor and scheduled a D&C (of course than I started to spot).
I went through a pretty rough few weeks grieving our lost baby. The paid of losing a baby I never knew was so much worse than I could have ever imagined. I know many woman go through this pain and pray for those souls everyday!
A couple of months later my husband was at work and fell and tore his Achilles tendon. We couldn’t believe that so quickly after I had to undergo my first surgery now he would be going through his. We made it through his surgery and first few days of recovery when we found out we were expecting again! We were full of excitement…but even more overwhelmed with fear. I was so afraid to except this pregnancy as “real”. I was afraid of how were would pay for everything when my husband was now out of work. How much would I have to work? Would I be able to handle all the hours and maintain a healthy pregnancy this time?
Well after a lot of prayer and God’s grace we made it past 20 weeks and had our ultrasound! Believe it or not the ultrasound was scheduled for the same date as our previous lost babies due date! It felt surreal. Like they were connected somehow. We were originally not planning on finding out the sex of the baby…but once we realized the two babies were sharing such a memorable day we decided we should find out! It’s a BOY!!! We were so excited…I had not yet excepted my pregnancy and finally felt a weight lifted off. I went with my mom to Target and we purchased the babies first couple of outfits and even found crib bedding we really loved on clearance for 70% off (of course I couldn’t pass that deal up!)
The next morning I got a call from my doctor and she said she had bad news…we would have to come back for a repeat ultrasound in 4 weeks…it looks like the baby has cleft. WHAT!!!! I just finally relaxed and felt that burden of something being wrong go away…and now I am being told my baby may be born with a birth defect. We waited for those 4 weeks…me researching online everyday and night; while my husband just tried to ignore the situation until something was confirmed. Man those were 4 LONG weeks!
Finally we went in for that repeat ultrasound…NO CLEFT!!! Praise Jesus!!! The Lord answers prayer!!!
Let me back up just a little and tell you how my pregnancy symptoms were…I had SEVERE nausea starting at about 6 weeks (and it didn’t end until just now 2 days post delivery). I am totally an anti-medicine person and even had to take anti-nausea medicine just to survive the day. I also had some crazy weird pregnancy symptoms I had never had with previous pregnancies…a crazy insane amount of saliva…major pain in my body (I also tore my labrum in my hip the first couple weeks of this pregnancy as well). Man it was a rough go around this time!
At 25 weeks my doctor did a test called the Fetal Fiber Nectum Test…it is supposed to tell you if you are at risk of going into labor in the next 7 days….mine came back positive. So I had to go to the hospital and be checked into labor and delivery for several hours for a non-stress test. It was decided that I need to stop working and stay be put on bedrest. Oh the stress! How were we going to pay our bills with both my husband and I out of work? Again the Lord provides.
I truly believe it was the Lord’s provisions that taught me how to coupon two years prior to all of this craziness in my life. Because when we had no money and weren’t sure how we would be able to provide…we had an amazing stockpile of food and necessities that carried us through!!! We obviously were having to use that stockpile to help tremendously through the previous months…I mean with all my morning sickness and being the only one working, with my husband injured…there was no time for shopping or couponing. Let alone remember I worked 40 hours a week coaching gymnastics and about 20-30 hours a week trying to maintain my blog! I would find deals for my readers but was unable to actually go out and shop them!
When it was coming down to the wire and we were facing some tough decisions about what to do about an income we decided to trust in the Lord and start looking at the possibilities of moving to Kansas…where we had a large group of friends from our previous church that were willing to help us with financial and emotional support through this time. We new that after this new baby came I did not want to go back to work full time, and wanted to focus more on my kiddos at home! The problem was how were we ever going to afford moving across country? Well just then is when TLC called with an offer to participate in Extreme Couponing Season 3! We weren’t originally planning on doing another episode at the time…but felt like once again it was all in the Lords timing. So we filmed at Kmart and got a small commercial contract that helped pay for the furniture we would need once we moved…so we could sell all of our own furniture for the moving cost and only have to move the essentials and as much of my stockpile as possible.
YAY! We finally got to Kansas and felt like it was our new beginning. A new start for us all! New schools for the kids, new job for my hubby, new baby coming…and of course new stores to learn to shop! My morning sickness continued through this entire move, as well as my bedrest!! Moving on bedrest is crazy by the way!
We had been praying to simply make it to 35 weeks pregnant…well that came and past. I was now changing gears and wondering is this baby really ever going to come? I was feeling anxious from being told for months that he was coming any day now, to have my little guy…but feeling sad that this was going to be my last time to experience the joys of pregnancy. At 38 weeks my doctor told me it was time for my to have my baby and she would induce me next week at 39 weeks!!! I was so excited
Finally, it’s the day I have been waiting for for 14+ months…I was going to meet my precious baby boy!!! We went into the hospital expecting an easy and fast labor like all my others…my longest labor was 4 hours with only 45 minutes of intense labor after my water was broken and my shortest active labor was 6 minutes!!! We checked into the hospital and was shown our room. I got changed into my gown and sat there waiting on the hospital bed for 2 hours…finally a nurse came in and apologized that we got forgotten!!! REALLY?!?!?! A couple of hours later they finally got me hooked up to all the IV’s and after some discussion with my doctor she decided not to break my water and to start me on pictocin. I was on pictocin for 2.5 hours when my doctor came back and checked me and said lets wait a little longer till we break that water. I was so frustrated I knew I just needed my water broken in order for me to go into active labor. A couple of hours later she came back and broke my water…finally! Now the pain really began…ouch it was no fun! Serious intense pain…with the pictocin still going. I labored with some of the worse pain imaginable for about 2-3 hours when we realized I was not progressing anymore and they needed to drastically increase the pictocin. I was bummed. There was no way I could continue on naturally with no pain meds if they were going to increase the pictocin so much. So I asked for the epidural. Bummed with myself of course. About 5 minutes after the epidural was started they checked me and said I was just about ready to deliver 8 cm!!! I looked at my doctor and said…10 minutes and I will be ready to push…I promise! She came back in 10 minutes and sure enough I was ready! I pushed through 2.5 contractions and my precious baby Kyron Skye Campbell was here!!!!
I was so overcome with the emotion of everything I have been through in the past 14+ months to have this baby!!! But he is here and that was all I have wanted Born at 8:33 PM June 11th…weighing 6 pounds 10 ounces and only 18 inches long he was perfect!
We are home now and loving every moment of having a baby in the house again…my kids were instantly in love with Kyron and are constantly following me around the house wanting to just look at him!
Praise Jesus for this precious gift and thank you all for your love and support through this VERY crazy year! God Bless you all!!!
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