Educational Topics

What do I do if my Catalina/Reward after purchase doesn’t print?

So I have received several questions in regards “what do I do if my catalina/Reward doesn’t print after purchase?” 

Here is what I recommend:
First, I would go back to the ad and make sure that you  bought the right product, size, flavor, and/or amount.
Second,  if you are sure you bought everything correctly…I would kindly ask/tell the cashier that you were supposed to get a “Catalina/Reward” and it didn’t print. Most of the time the cashier will refer back to the ad themselves and check your receipt. If they too agree that you bought the right products. They have the option to do two things:

  • Type in a Fail-Safe Code (a code that is intended for them to use in this scenario).
  • Give you cash back for the missed Catalina/Reward.
  •  Give you a gift card for the missed Catalina/Reward.
  • Ask you to call the 1-800 number for Catalina to have them snail-mail you the reward.
Finally, no matter what the scenario the store chooses to go with, please remember that it is their prerogative and if you do not like it you can always ask nicely to speak with a manager, call their cooporate office or simply return the itmes. However, to be honest in my own personal experience I have alway had great luck getting reimbursed for the missed Catalinas/Rewards right there in the store with no problems or fuss…It’s all about your attitude!!!


  • Kris

    Yeah, what do you do if you buy oscar meyer lunchmeat and no cat prints and you call the catalina company and they tell you you the upc doesn’t match for the offer…the cat promo only said lunch meat, no exclusions listed…9oz combo deli fresh lunchmeat.

  • thebudgetbandit

    I would have tried to deal with it all at the store…Catalina is a pain to deal with. You could always try calling Catalina again and maybe you will get some different that will listen to your concerns…if it wasn’t too long ago, I would go back to the store with my receipt and ask them if they could fix it for you! I hope it works out for you!

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