10 Life Hacks to Save Money on Utilities!
Life is just plain expensive. I hate that everything seems to evolve around money, and there never seems to be enough to go around. I try very hard to live economically not spend extravagantly on things we don’t need and save wherever I can.
Here is a list of 10 simple lifestyle hacks you can do to save money on your utilities.
1. Set it and leave it
Research has shown that when you set your thermostat and leave it alone your energy bill will decrease. So that means setting your house temperatures for the winter and summer at a bearable temperature and not playing with it throughout the day. Here in Kansas the summers are VERY hot and the winters extremely cold. We set our thermostat at 79 degrees in the summer and 65 in the winter. We have found that if we are still feeling too hot we can use Tower Fans to cool us down and as soon as it is less than 78 degrees outside we turn our AC off completely and use our attic fan. In the winter we keep space heaters in all of the bedrooms to keep us warm at night. While lounging in the house during the winter we tend to wear sweatshirts and snuggle in blankets to stay cozy. I have found that by making these changes we have saved on average $5-$10 a month in utilities. If you are traveling make sure to also set the temperature even lower while you are away.
2. Unplug and/or Turn it Off
Make sure to keeping lights, small electronics and ceiling fans turned off when they are not in use. This is one of the best habits you can develop. It is a hard one to get everyone in the house on board with (especially if you have kids) but it will make a HUGE difference to your monthly bill. Turning off or even unplugging electronics that go into “standby” mode such as computers and printers will reduce your bill, as anything plugged in is still drawing in electricity even if it is not in use. We are constantly going behind our kids and having to remind them to turn off the lights, unplug their electronics, and be responsible. It is a hassle at first to get all of the kids and everyone on board. But once you see the results on your electricity bill you will be glad you put forth the effort. Eventually it will become habit for everyone.
3. Turn it down
Keep your water heater set at a manageable temperature. We keep ours at a medium setting. It gets plenty hot for baths and showers however it never gets scolding and thus saves us money. When you are away on vacation make sure to turn your water heater all the way down, as well as unplug any appliances or electronics that do not need to be used while you are away (stove, microwave, computer, printer, sound system…etc).
4. Go Old Fashion
The old and wiser I become the more I realize that our elders had a good thing going! While it might take a little longer and a little extra work you will soon find that air-drying your clothes is not only more cost efficient for your energy bill, it will actually save the integrity of your clothing so it will last longer! I have a large Clothes Drying Rack I use to dry our clothing and I am greatly considering hanging out an actual clothes line in my back yard. It is so convenient, saves money and to be honest it is almost therapeutic. When I lived in Panama on a missions trip for a few months we had a dryer but we couldn’t afford to use it often, so we chose to hang our clothes. I learned to LOVE it.
I have found that I do the same with drying the dishes. I use a damp sponge and “pre-wash” without running water, then choose the most economic setting on the dishwasher, without the drying feature. Once the dishes are done washing we open up the dishwasher door and let them air dry for a little while. When putting the dishes away we use a clean towel to wipe any remaining water or water spots off the dishes. Easy Peasy!
5. Use your Fireplace
In those cold winter months don’t forget about your fireplace. If you have a usable fireplace, burning a fire is a great way to keep your electricity costs down. Plus you get the added benefit of the extra cozy feel and smell.
6. Keep your Dryer Clean
When you do use your dryer make sure you clean the dryer lint out of the screen. It will insure the best air flow and functionality of your dryer and thus dry your clothes quicker and better. You also might want to take the Flexible Crevice Tool that attaches to your vacuum (the long skinny one) and vacuum out any excess lint in or around the slot where your lint trap goes. You will be surprised how much lint get trapped in there and thus is defecting your dryer.
7. Clean and Change Filters
Keeping an eye on those air filters and cleaning them or replacing them when needed will help save on both the heating and cooling of your home. We learned these lessons the hard way. When we moved into our home we forgot to ask about where the air filter for our AC unit was. We did not change it for the entire year we lived there. At the beginning of the next summer we found that no matter how high we turned our AC up to, we just couldn’t get the house cooled down. Finally, after calling in an AC repair man we discovered the solution was easy…simply replace the filter. Oops that was our bad – and it cost us a pretty penny to learn our lesson.
8. Upgrade and Reduce
Consider replacing shower heads with Low flow shower head. Not only will replacing your shower heads with a more economical Low flow shower head help save money but I found that it is very refreshing when you have a new shower head. The newer models just seem to distribute the water better and create such a lovely shower experience. You can also try placing a bottle filled with sand (or use the old fashion brick trick) in your toilet tanks in order to use less water with each flush. Of if you don’t feel comfortable with putting anything in the water tank of your toilet you can purchase a Dual Flush Converter
, which will allow you to upgrade your toilet to have two water settings and set your water to 50% less than the normal setting!
9. Out With the Old in With the New
If and when you are considering purchasing new appliances such as refrigerators, ovens, dishwashers, and washers & dryers. The newer models often times come with more energy efficient settings. Plus they are tax deductible at the end of the year! Now that’s a double bonus!
10. Winterize Your Home
Drafts that attack your home through windows, doors and fireplaces are a huge cause for heat loss in those very cold wintery months. Be prepared and use Indoor Window Insulator Kit or simply create your own with painters tape and plastic (sheets work great as well). For those really drafty windows you may want to consider installing heavy curtains and a Thermalogic Window Liner. For your fireplace don’t forget to keep the damper closed. If you still feel a draft coming from the fireplace and you do not use it in the winter months, make a cover with plywood or cardboard. Be creative make it pretty. Turn it into a decorative area in the room.
I found this great post from the Frugal Friday Link Up Party! I need to remember to unplug things. I know somethings still consume energy if plugged in. Thanks for a great post.
The Budget Bandit
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