Gazelle: Stop the Spread of #unprotectedtext”
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Be honest. Have you ever used a phone with a cracked screen? If so, you’ve engaged in unprotected text, a very risky activity. But all is not lost. As a part of their Stop the Spread of #unprotectedtext campaign, Gazelle is giving you the opportunity to bare your soul on their Facebook page!
My lovely daughter just got her first phone for Christmas this past year…and of course we decided to get her an iPhone like the rest of us…well it only took her 2 days to completely shatter the screen! This is no joke! It was early in the morning, about 10 degrees outside, snowing and she was trying to get in our van, when a dumb squirrel jumped out from under the car and scared her. She fell to the ground with her phone in hand and BOOM shattered it everywhere! NOT COOL! My daughter tried to use it as is for a few days, but we noticed she was getting little slivers of glass on her fingers. That’s when we found Gazelle!
Thank goodness for Gazelle they will buy your broken phone from you and allow you to purchase less expensive refurbished phones! Have you ever had anything like this happen before? I bet you wish you knew about Gazelle!
Unprotected text is plaguing smartphone users everywhere. Even though they have a cracked screen, many users are still using their smartphone. This behavior exposes them to all kinds of risks, including germs and injuries.
To help prevent this epidemic from spreading, Gazelle is asking their Facebook followers to share their shattered screen story and why they continued to use a broken phone (in 50 words or less). Use the hashtag #unprotectedtext and @Gazelle in your post.