5 Reasons You Should Eat Chocolate Guilt Free
Eat chocolate guilt free from this day forward!
A chocolate a day keeps the crazy mom away! Chocolate not only keeps women (me) sane. It actually has health benefits. I have included 5 reasons chocolate is actually good for you. Even if you are trying to lose weight you may find that eating a few bites of chocolate each week will actually only benefit your weight loss! So let go of that guilt and let yourself indulge (in moderation)!!!
Did you know that Chocolate…
Fills You Up: Dark chocolate is rich in fiber. So it will fill you up and decrease your hunger and cravings.
Makes Your Heart Healthier: Research as shown that regular chocolate eaters have an array of healthy heart benefits, because of the inflammation-fighting properties found in dark chocolate. Heart benefits include: lower “bad” cholesterol, blood pressure, and a lower risk of heart disease. Plus women who ate a small amount of chocolate on a weekly basis had a lower risk of stroke.
Is the New Berry: Dark Chocolate is loaded with organic compounds (polyphenols, flavanols, catechins and others) that function as antioxidants.
Provides UV Protection for your Skin: I wouldn’t throw away the sunscreen. However research has shown that dark chocolate the ability to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.
Relieves Cramps and PMS Symptoms: There is no medical reason that I know of for why chocolate relieves the pain of cramps caused by PMS. However, for generations women have craved and eaten chocolate during that time of the month, and for some reason it helps! I personally have experienced reduced symptoms of cramping after indulging in some tasty chocolate. Plus it makes you just a little less cranky to boot!
Bonus Reason to Eat Chocolate!
Chocolate Cheers You Up: If nothing else can make you feel better chocolate might just be the answer. If all it takes to keep me from screaming at my kids is a piece of chocolate…you can bet I am going to pop a piece in my mouth and let the happy feelings take over!
Buy some chocolate HERE and stay healthy