Mom Tips

5 Things you should NEVER say to a mom of a “big” family

5 things you never say to a mom

As a mom of four kids, I don’t feel like I have a “big” family by any means. I am not overwhelmed. I am not begging for a help…I am simply enjoying life. I have been blessed with four absolutely beautiful and well behaved kids. Each one of them is unique in their behaviorism’s (both good and bad), their likes/dislikes and how they express themselves. However, each and every one of my kids was perfectly and wonderfully made in the Lords image.

I can’t tell you how many times I have been out grocery shopping or even just playing with the kids and I get asked all sorts of questions. Or worse given dirty looks. I have always wanted to be a mom. In fact I have always wanted to be a mom of LOTS of kids. I always say that if my husband was on board I would have more kids than the Duggards! No kidding! I just love my kids, love being pregnant and love that raising kids comes so naturally for me.

So with all that said I was recently out and about with my kids (as it is summer and we doing more as a whole family right now) and I got asked some of the following questions (mentioned below). And hear were my responses (some verbal some just thoughts in my head that I wish I would have said out loud LOL).

1. “Wow! Your hands are full!” Ummm no! Thank you very much. I am just fine. But if I look like I could use a hand feel free to offer yours.

2. “Don’t you know how that happens?” Yes, do you? (With a shocked look) We happen to make such cute kids we thought we would bless the world with a little extra beauty. 

3. “Are you done?” Not sure why? Does it bother you if I am not? It’s all in the Lords hands…so maybe you should ask Him. 🙂

4. “Why did you have so many kids?” Not sure….maybe because I was bored. Or I needed more help around the house so I decided to create some built in maids.

5. “Were your kids planned?” Not sure what you mean by this? Of course they were planned…once we got pregnant we begin putting their rooms together and our hearts grew a little larger to make space for all our love!

***Topping on the cake “You don’t look old enough!” As much as that sounds like a compliment. It really just makes me feel like they see me as ill-equipped or think I started making babies when I was still a baby myself.  Nope I was married for over 3 years before I got pregnant with my first…and NO I didn’t get married at 12! No kidding I have had people ask me this before!

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