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8 Simple Ways to Boost Your Day

8 ways to boost your day

They say the simplest things in life are free and they make up for most of our lasting happiness. Sometimes, a smell of your favorite cologne, a new season of your favorite TV series after 6 months of hiatus, or simply a cup of hot tea after a bad day at work can be of pure joy. Happiness is a state of mind and it’s not expensive when you figure out these simple activities you can do daily.


  1. Before leaving your home, spray your favorite perfume in front of you and walk right through it while your eyes are closed. Feel the scent that brings you freshness and how the cologne dampens your skin.

  2. Go on a spontaneous road trip for the day. If you can skip work for no reason at all, do something adventurous. Take a day drive to your favorite near by destination and spend the whole weekend just relaxing. If it’s too much, just get a tub of ice cream from your local grocery and spend a whole day at your backyard doing nothing.
  3. Wear a new dress you bought 2 weeks ago from a sale. Sometimes, all you need is to look pretty and you’ll feel awesome the entire day. Don’t forget to wear a bold shade of red lipstick for that boost of confidence.

  4. Try one whole day without Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media accounts. Once you’ve succeeded, try a whole weekend without access to the internet. You’ll find your surroundings more noticeable. At the same time, you’ll have plenty of time to spend in recreational activities like biking, playing sports, reading a good novel or just experimenting on a new dish in your kitchen.
  5. chore listWrite in paper what you want to achieve for today and the rest of the week. Start on simple things like “Do two hours of cardio at the gym on Monday” or “Cook a new dish on Thursday”. Nothing feels more pleasant than having to do your chores and accomplishing them right on time. Sometimes, manually writing your To-Do list on a post-it note or note pad with a box for checking is more rewarding than having it saved electronically on your phone.

  6. Skip on an expensive dinner and be a couch potato from Friday evening until Saturday morning. Watch your favorite TV series on Netflix or Amazon Instant stream from the very first pilot episode to current! I love watching series from the beginning. I just watched Grey’s Anatomy and How I Met Your Mother from season 1 to current (both have like 10+ seasons!)
  7. Quit watching Hollywood movies and instead, watch foreign films that have been regarded as true masterpieces. Refrain from watching your favorite superheroes or those nonsense chick flicks. Instead, find an award-winning film to watch, such as Little Woman or Sound of Music
  8. no facebookSmile. Greet a stranger. Open a door for an old lady. Nothing makes your day more fruitful than having to share a piece of yourself to someone. Sometimes, a little act of kindness can change a stranger’s view about the world. Make this world a better place to live in by sharing a warm and genuine smile.


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