Reviews and Giveaways

FOCUS T25 Beachbody Workout Mom Blogger #Review


As a mom of four, a part time gymnastics coach and a full time blogger time is something I find lacking. I have always enjoyed working out through sports and with friends at the gym…but anymore I just don’t have time for that. That is why I was so excited to try out the FOCUS T25 by Beachbody. It is a focus interval complete workout all packed into just 25 minutes! That’s right condition every part of your body to it’s maximum capacity in just 25 minutes. Even this busy blogger butt mom can manage that!

Focus T25 is designed to give you a complete workout in just 25 minutes. Whether you are looking to lose some weight, tone your body or maintain your current stature T25 is perfect. You see BeachBody came out with this new workout program by Shaun T. The theory behind this workout program is that if you can just focus of 25 minutes everyday to working out every part of your body with no breaks, you can get the same results as you would with an hour long workout. I have done Beachbody’s Insanity workout before and could never get myself to finish the program. It was to intense and just made me bulk up way too much for my liking. With T25 I feel more like I am getting a good shaping workout, my fat is melting away and my tone is looking great!

This is the perfect workout for everyone, man, woman, teen, mom, dad, athletic and not. Beachbody makes this workout shorter, more intense and time efficient. Everyone can set aside just 25 minutes (actually 30 minutes with cool down stretching). You just have to suck it up and GET IT DONE!!!!

So far after just 2 weeks of using FOCUS T25 I love and highly recommend it!  I will warn you…be prepared to work hard, sweat nasty, feel sore and love your body again! I am hoping to have some before and after pictures to post for you soon…however I am not posting any pictures until I have some good “after” photo’s to show. 🙂


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