Amazon has a HOT HOT HOT deal for those Amazon Mom members….score a FREE $10 off coupon to use on Just Dance Disney or Just Dance 4…making your final cost as low as $9.99 shipped!
Hurry over to Amazon all you Amazon Mom members….Today only Amazon Mom
members get $10 off Just Dance 4 and Just Dance: Disney Party
when you use the code DANCEMOM at checkout!
***It’s not too late to sign up for your FREE trials of ***It’s not too late to sign up for your FREE trials of Amazon Mom and Amazon Prime…I signed up and LOVE IT…so happy I did!!!
Just Dance: Disney Party just $9.99 shipped after discount!
Just Dance 4 just $25.00 shipped after discount!
***Don’t tell anyone but I bought both of these for myself and my kiddos for Christmas (one for our Wii and one for our Kinect!)