Amazon *HOT* deal for the Hamilton Scoop Single Cup Coffeemaker! Plus 2 FREEBIES to go with it!!!
I saw a TV commercial for this Hamilton Beach Single Serve Scoop Coffee Maker and just had to go and check out the price and it’s reviews!!! I have gone back and forth on whether or not a Keurig is worth the money…I haven’t bit the bullet yet because I just not sure I want to commit to the cost of the K Cups…well check out this Hamilton Beach Single Serve Scoop Coffee Maker
for just $59 shipped!!!
I really like it because it doesn’t require filters or cups…no costly expenditures and I can even use the coffee I am able to score for FREE from Gevalia and Amora!!! The coffee maker adjusts to the size of cup you have to fill and is said to brew at the hottest tempature without burning your coffee!!! I am super excited about this product…I am checking my budget and hoping for one for Christmas (or shortly after…LOL)