Reviews and Giveaways

Baby Bee-Haven Swingin’ Smart Swing Seat Cover Review…swing your babies giggles right out!

Beehaven review

Baby-Bee Haven is a great little company that provides fun and convenient tools for parents and babies. I recently was give the opportunity to review a Swingin’ Smart Swing Seat cover and let me tell you…it’s GRRRRREAT! This swing cover is perfect for you momma’s out there who are germ conscientious…as it covers up the swing seat completely so that baby can teeth, suck, and drool on it where ever they want without you having to worry about the nasty germs and dirt that might be on the swing. Another benefit to using the swing cover is it will protect your little one from getting their little bum or legs burnt on that smokin hot swing. It will also protect those little fingers from getting caught up or pinched in the chains beside them. 


The Swingin’ Smart Swing Seat Cover is super easy to use. There are easy to use velcro flaps that attach around the side of each of the the swings chains. The rest of the seat cover just slides right into the seat and folds over the top of the swing seat and then there are some super cute little loops for connecting baby teething toys…just another way to help entertain and keep baby happy while you push big sister or brother (or maybe chat it up with another mommy)


My little guy LOVED his new Bee-Haven swing seat cover! He honestly did not want to get out of the swing even after swinging for a good 20+ minutes. However eventually we did need to leave…and packing  up the swing seat cover was super easy…just unvelcro the straps and fold it back in to the cute little carrying pouch it came in. Even better just in case baby managed to spit up or have a little accident…the swing seat cover is super easy to wash. Just throw it in the washing machine  and wash in cold. SO EASY!


Here is a little information about Baby-Bee Haven…

Baby-Bee Haven was started by Heather.  A working mom to two young girls who didn’t go to school for business or marketing.  But what she did know was how hard it is  to get everything done in your day with kids running around. She knew there had to be a better way.  As a new mom, she found herself searching online for products that just weren’t there.  She started with creating the See ‘n Store stroller organizer with media holder and after more than 4 years, she has spawned an entire line of products. 

How would you like a nifty little Swing Seat Cover or another one of Bee-Havens cool little devices? No worries you can purchase your own HERE or wait with fingers crossed for your chance to win your choice of Bee Haven product!

Connect with Baby Bee-Haven via their WebsiteFacebookPinterestYouTube and Twitter.


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