Black Friday Deals,  Target

Best Deal of the season for the Dyson DC41 Multi Floor Upright Vacuum…go now this deal beats Black Friday!!!


Ok so I have many of you asking for the best deal on a Dyson this Christmas…well here it is…

Right now you can head on over HERE to and Snatch up the very popular Dyson DC41 Multi Floor Upright Vacuum for as low as $379.99 shipped!!! But go now this deal ends on Wednesday November 21st!!!

Here is how to score this AMAZING deal!

  1. Click HERE and add the Dyson DC41 Multi Floor Upright Vacuum to your cart ($549.99)
  2. At check out use promo code TGTWP5C3 and it will take $150 off your purchase.
  3. Pay with your RedDot Card and Save an additional 5% off…making your totaly only $379.99 shipped!!! (That’s better the the Black Friday price of $399.99 and you don’t even have to fight any crowds!!!)

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