
Calling all Swagbuck Members…start earning extra rewards with Spring Collector Bills (New members sign up now so you can start earning FREE gift cards and rewards)


Do you have SwagBucks? If so check out this awesomeness….(if not…go HERE fast and sign up!)

Starting today (April 22nd) through the end of April…Swagbucks is doing their annual collector bills!!! This means that you can collect bills (all of different values) by using SwagBucks as your search engine…you will be awarded different bills at random.


If you collect all six bills before May 1st…you will get an automatic bonus of 20 Swag Bucks credited to your account!!!

***New to Swagbucks? Go HERE now and sign up to get started earning free gift cards to places like Amazon, Paypal, iTunes, and more!!! 











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