Cascade Complete Detergent FREE plus Overage at Walmart!
In this weeks P&G insert there was a $1/1 ANY Cascade!!! Walmart has the Cascade Complete 3 pack trial size for only $0.97 each! That makes these better than FREE…you actually make $0.03 in Overage!!! Walmart practice regional prices, so please remember that there is a possibility your prices may be different…sorry
Please remember that you may only use 4 coupons per transaction.
***Deal Idea***
Buy Cascade Complete 3 pack, $0.97
Use $1/1 Any Cascade (P&G 7/3, expires 7/31)
Total OOP: FREE plus a $0.03 MoneyMaker!!!
Thank You, My Litter!
cant find in walmart-what section would the trial sizes be in?
live in Florida
They may be on an end cap actually!