
Coups for the Troops…here is a great way to give back to the men and woman who serve for our Country!!!!

What types of coupons should I send?
-Any manufacture coupons, including Catalinas that state “manufacturer coupon.”
-Coupons specific to stores cannot be used (ie Target, Publix, CVS).
-Printed internet coupons can be used by our recipients.
-Coupons for restaurants cannot be used (ie Chuck E Cheese, Blimpie, Olive Garden, Boston Market).
-Because of the time it takes packages to get to our recipients, send coupons that have expired in the last month or two.  Commissaries will accept coupons that are up to six months expired.
For more information on what, where and how coupons can be used by the troops go HERE!

Please send your expired and non-expired coupons to the address below. We would love to include your coupons in our next mailing.

Coups For Troops
PO Box 147
Winnabow NC 28479

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