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DIY 100% All Natural Mattress Stain Removing Spray

mattress cleaner

No matter how hard you try to keep your mattresses clean and free of water spots, somehow they always seem to manage to get dirty. We are in the process of moving into a new home which means I am spending time cleaning, organizing and well up-keeping the items in our home. One of the most important items is of course our beds. Not only are they essential but they are very expensive to simply replace due to some unattractive stains.

I am really hate cleaning with harmful, harsh chemicals – so I am always looking for DIY 100% natural cleaning remedies for my home. This All Natural Mattress cleaning spray is not only chemical free, but it is insanely effective! Simply pour ingredients into a spray bottle, spray down the water stains, and spots on your mattress, let it sit until dry and vacuum up. No joke it’s like a miracle spray all of the stains will just lift away!


  • 1 cup Hydrogen Peroxide
  • 2 TBSP Baking Soda
  • 1 drop Dish Soap

before after


  1. Mix all ingredients together. Make sure the baking soda is fully dissolved! Add ingredients to a spray bottle.
  2. Begin to spray your mattress stains as liberally as you would like.
  3. Let sit until it fully drys. I turned our ceiling fan on to help the mattress dry quicker.
  4. Once dry, vacuum up baking soda powder residue.
  5. Viola – your stains and smells are gone and your mattress will look like new again!

PS. I have to apologize for the nasty pictures/images! I will put up some better ones soon, I just wanted to get this awesome recipe/remedy to you asap and well I used the pictures I had. With moving right now I just don’t have everything set up for professional photo shoots…thanks for understanding! 


mattress cleaner diy


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