DIY – EASY FIX for a Broken iPhone Glass!
So I have always said I would not get my kids phones until they are teenagers. However because of my daughter traveling throughout the country for gymnastics now and no longer having a home phone we finally caved and got my oldest daughter (almost 11 years old) a phone for Christmas!
Well this phone lasted a whole four days! Thanks to the crazy squirrel who scared the pants off my daughter! As she was getting in the car this morning a squirrel jumped out from under the car at her feet! She got so startled that she fell to the ground and broke her new iPhone! My first reaction was upset – but I immediately caught myself and realized it was more my fault than hers. I should have given her a better Otterbox case and not a cheap fun case. It was a very hard lesson to learn.
However I would love to share this little tip I have learned! You can buy a NEW glass replacement piece on Amazon for just $30 and fix your iPhone as good as new! Now that is a life saving tip! Here is the link to the glass piece my friend bought to fix her iPhone and I just purchased to fix our broken glass!
The glass piece I bought was this Front Touch Screen Digitizer LCD Display Repair Assembly for iPhone 5S(White) for just $35.99 shipped! This is a cheap considering the alternative! Keep in mind there are cheaper glass replacement parts on Amazon however this one has the DIGITIZER which allows the touch screen to work properly!