DIY Projects and Tips

DIY: How to clean your ceramic stove top with just 1 household ingredient! (Eco-friendly, chemical free and super easy)

how to clean

For years I have spent way too much money on ceramic stove top cleaner. Each bottle would cost me $5-7 each and to be honest really didn’t work that well!!! On top of that I hated the chemical smell….I have always felt that if it stinks like chemicals it probably isn’t good for my lungs.

I have discovered the absolute BEST solution for cleaning those nasty brown-black rings that develop after cooking on a ceramic stove top. Even better it is made from just one ingredient…that by the way can be found in nearly every household in America!!! Baking soda!!!
stove top before after

As you can see I had some pretty narly brownish-black rings around each of my burners. These weren’t newly developed stains….it has been a few months since the last time I cleaned my stove top, so these ones were pretty well set!

All I did was put about 2 tablespoons of baking soda into a bowl…mix with about 1 tablespoon water…and gently scrub with a sponge. It took nearly no effort at all and less than 1 minutes to remove all of those nasty dark rings!

 stove top before and after

Viola! The finished product! Instant my stove top beautiful now! Costs me nearly NOTHING, took no time at all and is totally and completely all natural and chemical free!!!

Check out my video…demonstrating how easy this process truly is!!!

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