Enter to win a FREE Gift Card for LongHorn SteakHouse
Looking to ditch your boring lunch for something better? LongHorn Steakhouse just announced its Upgrade Your Lunch Sweepstakes, where they are offering winners a free lunch from LongHorn Steakhouse each month for a year! LongHorn Steakhouse is definitely one of my most favorite places to eat. I love the steaks, sides and I especially love that they are one of the most family friendly steakhouses I have ever been to!
Here’s how it works:
- Longhorn will post two “sad” lunches each week for the next five weeks at LongHornLunch.com.
- You vote for which lunch you think is lousier.
- LongHorn will upgrade the sad lunch with the most votes.
Now is the time to choose the lunch you want to see transformed! Vote here to see how we’re upgrading lunch, and enter the sweepstakeshere. This offer ends May 31, 2015.
One winner will be selected each week and receive a $20 eGift Card each month for a year, beginning June 15, 2015.