Reviews and Giveaways

Evenflo ProComfort Symphony DLX Car Seat Review

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Finally at nearly 2 1/2 Kyron has finally out grown his infant car seat. Since he finally reached 20 lbs, we thought we would transition him to a new “big boy car seat”, however we wanted to make sure we made the best choice possible. Knowing that Kyron does not grow as quickly as most kids, and having experienced multiple car seats with my previous 3 kids – we knew we wanted a car seat that would grow with Kyron. We definitely don’t want to have to keep buying new seats every year or two. We wanted a safe, comfortable and convertible car seat that would grow with him until he eventually grows out of a car seat for good.

After doing a great deal of research I was really excited when I came across this Evenflo Comfort ProComfort Symphony DLX car seat! It is exactly everything I wanted! Even better after discovering it was the perfect seat for our family, I was offered the opportunity to review it! Double bonus!

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So let’s get into the nitty gritty of what makes this car seat a rock star!

First and most important are the fabulous safety features of the Evenflo Symphony DXL. This car seat comes with several protective cushions surrounding the head and body, intended for protecting your child during a side impact collision. In addition the car seat has an easy to use 5 point harness system. This seat is also compatible with a shoulder seat belt for later use as your child grows out of the 5 point harness. This car seat is compatible for both forward and rear facing children weighting 5-110 lbs. Secure the Evenflo Symphony DXL with the easy to use LATCH system.

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As you can see this car seat is STACKED with awesome safety features! It literally has everything I could ever ask for as far as safety is concerned for keeping my child safe (except for maybe a guardian angel) in the case of an unforeseen accident.

However, it is obvious that this car seat was not solely designed for it’s safety features, as it is also fully loaded with every comfort feature you could ever ask for. The Evenflo Symphony ProComfort DXL comes with easy to reach cup holders, removable head support system, reclining seat, armrests and more! Plus the Evenflo Symphony now also offers a new Gel-Matrix material for optimal comfort. My son seems to really enjoy this feature. There is nothing better than a comfortable toddler while traveling! In fact, I think he may be more comfortable in his new seat than we are!

Another feature of the Evenflo ProComfort Symphony DLX car seat is the buckle pockets located on either side of the car seat. It’s a rubber hole that holds the metal portions of the buckles, making it easy to retrieve the buckles. No more digging for the buckles behind and under your child, simply put the buckles in the buckle pockets when you take your child out of the car seat and they will be ready for your return! This feature is especially nice when you are transferring a sleeping baby/toddler into the car seat!

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I am definitely loving this new Evenflo ProComfort Symphony DLX car seat and would highly recommend it for babies newborn to booster seat age. Since this car seat is designed for kids 5-110 lbs this very well could be the only car seat you EVER have to buy!

You can purchase the Evenflo ProComfort Symphony DLX car seat at Target!



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