TLC Extreme Couponing

Extreme Couponing Season 2 Premieres tonight! Here’s my 2 cents

So TLC’s Extreme Couponing Premieres TONIGHT! After participating in this show I can tell you that the ability to save this 90-100% is absolutely possible! However, please remember that this is a TV show and not everything is “real” there are some things that are staged for the show! Also, just because these people bought 100’s of a single item for the show does not mean that is how they normally shop. I know for myself I do not buy more than just a couple of a single item and if I plan on buying more I ALWAYS special order them or go to multiple stores and buy only a few at each (as to not clear shelves).

Here are a few tips on how to be an Extreme Couponer and a pleasant shopper 🙂

  1. Pay for ALL of your Newspapers. If you want/need more of a specific coupon order them from a clipping service (such as Coupons by Dede).
  2. Stockpile a couple of items each week…take it slow and steady. Remember there is no reason to buy 100 toothpastes all at once…they are free pretty much all of the time…just buy 2-3 each time they are free…pretty soon you will be begging people to take them from you.
  3. Special Order if you plan on buying more than 5-10 of an individual item call ahead of time and place a special order.
  4. Donate the extra stuff you might not use before you can get that deal again. Or if there is a great free item that you don’t use in your household pick up a couple to donate. (Again there is no reason to clear a shelf just to donate it! Save some for others who may really need it as well and just take 2-3 items extra!)
  5. Be Respectful to your cashiers. Remember that your cashiers are your “friends” if you are polite to them, they will be more inclined to have the patience to help you and accept all of your coupons.  If you are rude and always come in and clear shelves, or get in screaming matches with your cashier (whether you are right or not) they have the right to refuse you and your coupons!
  6. Keep it real. Most importantly remember that just because it “looks” as though someone does something on TV doesn’t mean it’s for real. Just be true to yourself and that is all that matters!

I just want to encourage everyone to keep on pressing through…couponing can be a challenge, but I truly feel it is a blessing from the Lord above and we should use this knowledge and talent He has given us and be fruitful. Whether that means saving money by couponing so we tithing more to the church or if donating and giving to the poor…either way we are Blessed!

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