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Free Dave Ramsey book download for a “Guide to Budgeting”!!!

guide to budgeting

Looking to get on a Budget this year? Dave Ramsey is the best teacher out there on this topic!!! Right now you can download his Guide to Budgeting for FREE!!!

I have always been a very frugal person…obviously clipping coupons, buying used or clearance clothing and what not…but one of my favorite quick pieces of information that Dave Ramsey talks about in his book Guide to Budgeting are the “Five Money Gotchas”! They go perfect with my already present lifestyle but serve as a great reminder for my family answering the always present question of “where does all that money go”?!?!

Five Money Gotchas:

• Eating out. Start eating leftovers. Staying away from restaurants can
literally save you a couple hundred dollars a month.
• Car payments. You can buy a quality car for $2,000, and it will get you
around town just fine. And you won’t miss that $500 payment.
• Groceries. Clipping coupons, waiting for sales, and buying generic
brands are huge difference makers in your spending plan.
• Utilities. Shut the lights off when you leave the room. Entertain yourself
with a book instead of the TV. Those are just a couple of ways to save, but
they are big.
• Clothing. We don’t need new clothes as often as we think we do, and
buying from garage sales and consignment stores can save you enough
to make your jaw drop.

To see more budgeting and money saving tips from Dave Ramsey go HERE and checkout all the amazing products he has to offer….custom wallets for using the envelope system, amazing books, and several other great budgeting tools!

Thanks MoneySavingMom!

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