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FREE Audio Books 30 day trial (downloadable books for your phone, tablet, computer and more!)


Expand your mind…enjoy some time to yourself…go now and score a FREE 30 day trial from Audio Books...let someone read to you for a change! Or maybe grab a book series that you and your kids can enjoy listening to in the car or at night before bed!!! My husband also loves to download and listen to audio books…as of late he has been having to a lot of driving for work and instead of listening to the same music on repeat he has been downloading books to listen to in the car!

***The first 30 days are totally FREE…you can then cancel your trial and be charged $0!!! I signed up and downloaded a the TreeHouse series books 1-8 and burned them to a CD…we like to listen to them in the car while we drive around doing errands!!! The kids LOVE it and so do I!!!

This deal for both my husband and for myself  and it’s AWESOME!!! Seriously perfect for those of you with a Kindle, iPad, smartphone or even a computer!

***We got our kids each a Kindle Fire for Christmas so we are keeping our membership so that they can get new books each month!!! This way they can listen to books and/or read them while we are on long road trips, waiting at the doctors office and/or whatever else may come our way!



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