Great Pretenders Rainbow Fairy Dress Costume Review
I was provided this product for free to review, in exchange for my honest opinion. All opinions are 100% my own.
My daughter LOVES to dress up. She is seven years old and has absolutely adored wearing dress up clothes pretty much since the day she was born. She has never been willing to wear anything but dresses, asks to wear jewelry daily and well is the girliest girl you will ever meet. So when she saw that mom got her a new fairy costume…she was a bit more than excited! She BEGGED to try the costume right on and began pretending she was a garden fairy all around our yard.
This Rainbow Fairy Dress by Great Pretenders is more than just a great dress-up dress. It is a very well made, beautiful and high quality costume that was made to last and endure all of the adventures of any Rainbow Garden Fairy! When we first received the costume we thought the dress looked a little small for my daughter. It is sized 3+ which means it should fit little girls 3 years old and up – however my daughter is 7 years old and quite tall for her age. We were very pleasantly surprised to see that the dress actually fit her just fine. It is made from very comfortable stretchy fabric making it really quite diverse in size. I could definitely see how this dress would fit a 3 year old, while at the same time my big 7 year old was also able to wear it and enjoy it’s beauty.
My daughters absolute favorite part of this costume however were the fairy wings. They are by far the most beautiful and well made “wings” I have ever seen. (And that’s saying a lot as we have gone through a TON in her 7 years of costume obsessions!) They have a lovely iridescent shimmer to them as well as some beautiful little jewels throughout the wings. I loved how the wings held their shape without folding or becoming awkward while she played, leaped and danced all over the yard!
I must say I am a HUGE fan of Great Pretenders costumes and accessories! They do an absolute fabulous job and get my 2 thumbs up for sure!
Want to connect with Great Pretenders and checkout more of their awesome costumes? Checkout their website, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram!

Kaitie Wells
your daughter is SO CUTE! What an adorable little girl!
Kaitie Wells
PS. that costume is amazing, one of my favourites from Great Pretenders!