
Has Walgreen’s been over charging you? See why a Missouri Attorney has filed suit against Walgreens for deceptive advertising!


WOW if you are a Walgreens Shopper you may be interested in this recent development!!!

The Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster filed a suit against Walgreens earlier this week. Why you ask…well this is what you may find very interesting….as it very likely may have affected you at one point…Walgreens is being accused of over charging customers and using deceptive advertising.  Have you ever caught something ringing up at the wrong price at Walgreens…well apparently you aren’t the only one and Walgreen’s is reportedly loosing it’s rapport at the register…no longer “at the corner of happy and healthy” instead more like at the corner of many ticked off and angry customers! As there have now been MANY reported instance of products being incorrectly scanned at the register.

Here are a few examples:

  • Lipton Tea on clearance for $1.79 rang up as $3.79
  • Oreo Cookies priced at 2/$6 (with no marked disclosures of higher price for purchasing just one) rang up at more than $4.00
  • Purex Laundry Detergent priced at $4.79 however at many stores it actually rang up at $5.99 (I have had several readers come to me about this problem…and I suggest going back with your receipt and getting it adjusted!!!)

As a couponer many of us notice those slight changes…we know what the total should be and when it does not add up we often times challenge the cashier…however someone who does not pre-plan their shopping trips or is in a hurry may not even notice that they over paid. This can result in over spending by pennies to $15 plus dollars!!!

Here are a few helpful hints to help prevent you from overpaying:

  • No matter what store you are at always watch as the scan your items…make sure only one items is scanned at a time and that the price is as expected.
  • Always have the ad with you at the register when you are checking out so that you can show the advertised price. If the items is marked down but not in the ad…something I always do is take a picture with my phone of the tag in front of the item I am getting…this way if it doesn’t ring up right I can show them.
  • If there is a price discrepancy make to bring it to the cashiers attention right away!
  • If the cashier does not want to adjust the price to the advertised or marked price…ask politely to speak to a manager (kindness can really go a long way!)
  • If the manager still will not adjust the price….go to corporate! At this point you will want to tell the cashier that you no longer want the item at that price and have it removed from your transaction.
  • Finally before leaving the store ALWAYS look over your receipt and make sure everything looks as expected. If there is something wrong it is much easier to get it fixed if you have not yet left the store!

I wonder now if it would be somehow helpful to the Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster if you somehow have a receipt or a report of this mischievous pricing happening to you at Walgreens if you were to contact him and let him know! Please comment and speak up if this has ever happened to you…and what have you done about it in the past?

Thanks PennyPinchinMom!

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